Monday, January 11, 2016

It's 2016 and I'm back!!

First of all, Happy New Year everyone! I hope that everything you wished for, may throughout all this year be fullfilled. This last year, I was kind of MIA due to my experience abroad and because last semester was heavy 100%. Until now, I have spare time to rejoin this blogging community and keep you guys updated on latest trends. But majority of this post will be dedicated to my experience abroad and will show you photos of some places I visited from last years' February - June.

So in February 18th, to be exact, I had the opportunity to go study in Torino, Italy; and this whole experience helped me grow, mature and be more independent, so if you have the opportunity to do it, DO IT! There's a lot of world to see, cultures to live and most of all, appreciate where you come from. This experience lasted until July 27th, and at the moment I'm focusing on finishing my career.

If you have any questions or would like to chat about traveling, advices, recommend places, etc. gladly, I'll answer or you can send me e-mails about your concerns/inquiries to

Click on the link below to see pictures of places I got to visit...

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